Personal Data Protection (PDPA)
Personal Data Protection Department (PDPD) is an agency under the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) was established on May 16, 2011 after the Parliament passed the bill relating to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) of Act 709.
Users need to be protected to prevent any form of abuse against the storage or processing of personal data of individuals, public and private sectors in Malaysia for commercial transactions is stipulated under the PDPA.
The PDPA only protects personal data that is used in connection with commercial transactions. Personal data processed by an individual for the purposes of that individual’s personal, family or household affairs, including recreational purposes, should be exempted from the provisions of the PDPA.
The PDPA does not apply to the Federal Government (i.e. the government of Malaysia) and State Governments (i.e. governments of states within Malaysia).
What we Offer
- The Current Law on Personal Data Protection
- Data Protection Officers Regulations
- Latest Updates
- Suggested reforms of the Law
- Publications
- PowerPoint mini-series training
- Video tutorials
- Webinar – live training sessions
For the latest on the Personal Data Protection in Malaysia, click here.